About Us by Sin

Blood Bath and Beyond is a multi-guild empire made up of 6 BBB guilds, all located on the Satele Shan server This guild was formed by a small circle of friends in beta and has been around ever since, although leadership has changed along the way. We are unique in the way that we're successful yet extremely laid back. BBB accomplishes its goals by encouraging volunteers with various rewards, rarely forcing people into anything they don't want to do. Our members participate in literally all areas of the game, so there's something for everyone whether you're a brand new player or an experienced veteran. 

If you're looking for a huge long-term guild that has tons of active members and plenty to offer, then Blood Bath and Beyond is the place for you. 


Our main focus above anything else is conquest. We are literally the #1 conquest guild in the world and for the past year we've enjoyed total conquest dominance like no other guild has before. Every single week we take at LEAST 2 planets with our multiple BBB Guilds, often more depending on the conquest scenario. If you want to do conquest or get your titles/cheevos, BBB is by far your best possible option. (Conquest usually dictates what area we focus on throughout the week.)

Majority of our members lean towards PvE content (operations, heroics, flashpoints, uprisings, dailies, world bosses/battlemasters, etc.) Random guild runs through groupfinder ops + priority HM ops are done several times on a daily basis, whenever someone feels like throwing a group together. These runs happen so often that schedules are not needed.

We have several ops progression teams with varying skill levels, some of which are currently seeking out members. 

We also have a very large population that does PvP on a daily basis. Both unranked + ranked warzones, as well as large-scale open world wars. (We love our spur of the moment PvP wars on random planets more than anything) 

Our GSF population is very low, most our members hate it -- although we do have a handful that play it all the time.

We hold monthly guild events with organized activities/games and random giveaways. There are always prizes and rewards for various categories, depending on the event. These events usually include some type of contest/competition with big prizes for winners. (Guild lotteries, duel tournaments, races, recruitment contests, BBB Jeopardy, conquest point competitions, costume contests, hide-and-seek, chatban roulette, casino event, etc) We do all kinds of interesting shit that most guilds don't have the members, funds, or organization to do. We sink over 1 billion credits into prizes for each of these events, sometimes much more than that.

Occasionally we'll randomly organize activities just to mess around, such as sneaking into enemy bases to dance with our enemies, leading an ops group of naked members around Korriban, exploring areas we're not supposed to get to, starting "trains" on fleet, or any other ridiculous ideas we've had.


A multi-guild empire consisting of 6 guilds: 3 Imperial + 3 Republic. This gives members anywhere from 3 - 6 conquest titles to choose from depending on the conquest week!  (see Guild Structure)

A custom chat channel that keeps member connected with all our BBB guilds (/cjoin bbb)

10% XP and reputation boosts in all our guilds

Our own fleet of flagships, with a primary ship that is #1 for prestige on the server

Fully unlocked Nar Shaddaa, Yavin, Tatooine, Dromund Kaas, and Coruscant strongholds

Guild banks that contain free mats + stims/medpacs/etc, as well as other random freebie items

Active Ventrilo server that always has people on it 24/7

A guild website that is packed full of useful information and entertaining content

Guild YouTube channel (We love making guild videos -- Check them out!)

A LOT of active, interesting members that are willing to do group content. Always 100+ members online at prime time (late evening/night time PST) and around 50 at our dead time (early morning PST)

Very diverse members - people of all ages from all over the world, with a large variety of interests/skills/experience/etc. Everyone is welcome here!

Minimal rules - we don't believe in censoring our members and we love to screw with each other. We're full of random jokes and trolling, as a lot of Harbinger players will know. A lot of people think we're some totally awful assholes, but in reality we just love to fuck around and can't help but laugh at people who take the internet too seriously. (Just a warning to those who are children/very religious/easily offended/etc - we're not "clean" or "family-friendly" whatsoever)


Members who are active SWTOR players that play on a regular basis.

Members who will participate in guild content and take advantage of the activities we organize.

Most importantly, we want social people with a good sense of humor that want to have fun and don't act like arrogant over-sensitive bitches.


We have a very open recruitment policy. Instead of having a bunch of restrictions and requirements for people prior to joining, we prefer to just let people join up and experience the guild firsthand to see how they fit in. Basically anyone is welcome to join. Even if you're unsure about us, you can always throw an alt in the guild and give it a try. No harm in just checking things out!

Use any of the methods listed below if you wish to join any version of the guild on both Imperial Side and Republic Side:

Type "/cjoin bbb" to join our custom chat channel and request an invite.
Message any of the officers on our website.
Send an in-game mail or whisper to any of the other officers.
Type "/who bath" in-game and ask anyone from the guild for an invite.


Guild Rules by Sin

1. All toons with 15+ days of inactivity are at risk of being removed from guild.
If we start running out of space, these toons will be the first to go -- starting with the most inactive.
Unused alts should be stored in one of our alt guilds and NOT in one of our conquest guilds.
If you get cleared for inactivity, you're always welcome to get back into guild! The removal is not intended to be a punishment, it is simply our way of ensuring guild slots go to good use. (Just /cjoin bbb and request a re-invite back to guild.)

2. All members must sign up on this website to receive full membership.
You're already here reading this, please take the time to sign up. Ensure you use your main character's in-game name, legacy name or whatever else is most identifiable to other guildies.
Once you've signed up, let an officer know and provide them with your site username. This will get you promoted from FBI Informant rank to Associate rank, which will grant you the benefits of full membership. (Guild bank access, flagship summons, advantages in contests/events, ability to gain further ranks, etc.)

3. All flagship plans must go to the guild. Members of BBB are strictly prohibited from selling these items.
Any plans that come from commander runs or conquest wins MUST be deposited in guild bank or given to an officer.
By joining BBB, you are agreeing to stay out of the flagship plan market. Selling plans is almost always a /gkick, regardless of where you claim they came from. Just don't do it. It's the guild's main source of income and we don't need to compete on the GTN with fellow guildies.

4. Follow the guild's loot rules. 
Click NEED on any items you really want. Click GREED on items you only kinda want. Click PASS on things you don't want.
Try to use Master Looter if possible, as it generally allows for a more even distribution of loot.
Ninja looting is strictly forbidden, regardless of whether it's other BBB members or non-guildies.

5. No begging/scamming members.
We're here to help you out, but not to carry you or pay for you. Asking for handouts in guild chat will NOT be tolerated.
Similarly, trying to take advantage of or scam guildies will once again NOT be tolerated.

6. Reporting a fellow guildie to BioWare without prior consent from guild management is forbidden.
If we find out you've reported another member of BBB to BioWare without consulting an officer, you will be instantly removed. No room for rats and tattle-tales in this guild. If you absolutely MUST tell on someone, speak to an officer first.

7. Follow the rules of the guild bank.
Deposit items in the correct vaults and do NOT use the guild bank like a trashcan. When depositing stackable items, check to see if there is already a stack started. Just use common sense and keep the vaults tidy.
Be mindful of your withdraw/deposit ratio and do NOT sell items you get out of the guild bank.
Withdraw of credits and loans are not permitted.  Guild repair funds are for flagship summons of other guild members and for repairs for guild approved operation runs.  
Conquest mats can be purchased at Crew Skill mission cost OR traded for -- see here.

8. If you use Ventrilo, follow the rules for Ventrilo usage.
Do not cause drama, don't be annoyance to everyone, and use appropriate channels. If you have a problem with someone, mute them. (This excludes officers -- If you have an issue with an officer in vent, do not mute them. Speak to another officer about it.)
Listen to the staff members, designated by the stars in their titles. (Ex: [***Godfather***] Sin )

9. Abide by the rules for forum use.
Do NOT post anything that is illegal OR in violation of ProBoards ToS.
Don't spam. Also, make sure to keep threads in their appropriate categories.

10. If you're on an ops team, follow the rules for ops teams.
Be there and be there on time. Let your team leader know if you won't be there.
Be appropriately geared, have the correct level of experience/knowledge, give your best effort, and always listen to your team leader.
Follow your team's loot rules.

11. If you attend a guild event, follow the rules for that event.
To ensure the events run smoothly, we ask that everyone complies with the specific rules outlined prior to each event.

12. Derogatory comments towards specific races/religions are not permitted.
Remember, we have members from all over the world with a wide variety of different cultures.
While we encourage trolling, we feel that attacks on race/religion are too far and they will not be tolerated.

13. Direct all people you recruit to the BBB Guide.
You don't need to explain all of the rules, just ensure they come here and read everything new recruits need to know.

14. Respect and obey all BBB staff members.
Nothing wrong with busting balls and fucking around, but don't go overboard and cross any lines. Members must listen to ALL of the staff members at ALL times.
Similarly, do NOT undermine guild management. If you have a problem with an officer or the way things are being run, you are to discuss it with us privately. Publicly running your mouth about staff members is not acceptable, regardless of who's right or wrong. There's a proper way to handle situations like that and tarnishing the authority of staff is NOT the way to do so.

15. Don't be a sensitive little bitch.
Self-explanatory. Don't tell us to watch our language, to be nice, not to troll people, etc. If you find that we're too offensive for you please just quit so we don't have to kick you for whining. Got a problem with another member? The ignore button is your friend. This guild will not be filled with drama.

16. Don't ever compete with guild sales/fund raising.
We have the largest guild in SWTOR, and we give away more money to our members than any guild in the game. We do our best to always reward our loyal members with the best Events, Contests, Prizes and Giveaways. All of this requires that we fund the guild, and we do that with the items listed on our Sales Page. Do not EVER compete with the guild on any of the items listed on the sales page, whether it is flagship plans, Ancient Threat farming/decos, paid runs for Strongholds or anything else we decide to use/sell to make money to support the guild. If it is listed on the Sales Page, it is off limits. Anyone who thinks they can undermine the running of the guild by competing with us on these items will be immediately removed.
By signing up on the website and becoming a member of this guild, you are waiving your right to make money with any activity or item listed on our Sales page. Be sure that you read it and understand that you waive this right as a condition of membership in order to avoid conflict with Officers or guild removal. We are not here to be greedy, but we need to support a large guild, and we appreciate your understanding and willingness to work with us on this.

Violating the rules can result in:
A "stern" warning
Rank demotion
Temporary suspension
Permanent removal from the guild
More trolling than you can handle


Guild Ranks by Sin



      NAME          IMP 1        IMP 2        IMP 3      IMP ALT      PUB 1        PUB 2        PUB 3      PUB ALT           VENTRILO         
Siino Fett
[***Godfather***] Sin


      NAME          IMP 1    
    IMP 2     IMP 3   IMP ALT      PUB 1        PUB 2        PUB 3      PUB ALT           VENTRILO         
Nonplayer Character
Space Ninja


(Senior Officer)

      NAME          IMP 1        IMP 2        IMP 3      IMP ALT      PUB 1        PUB 2        PUB 3      PUB ALT           VENTRILO       




    NAME       IMP 1      IMP 2      IMP 3     IMP ALT     PUB 1      PUB 2      PUB 3     PUB ALT         VENTRILO       










(Level 5 Member)


(Level 4 Member)


(Level 3 Member)


(Level 2 Member)


(Level 1 Member)


(New Recruits + Rule Breakers)


Ranks are universal and apply to all of our BBB guilds. This means that your highest rank is the same rank that all of your characters are entitled to, regardless of which BBB they're in. To get your rank corrected, simply whisper a staff member or leave a member note on your toon(s) asking for a rank correction. Staff will check your legacy name to make sure you actually hold that rank, then they'll fix your rank for you. Simple. 

FBI Informant rank has completely restricted permissions. Unless members register on this site and verify their username with an officer, they will remain at this rank forever. Sign up or never rank up.
Mafioso, Caporegime, and Underboss are all staff ranks. 
All ranks can invite other players to guild by typing "/gi name"
All ranks above FBI Informant can use the guild bank. Higher ranks get more withdraws per week than lower ranks.
All ranks above FBI Informant get flagship summons. Higher ranks get more summons per week.
Veteran Gangster rank gets a custom Ventrilo title + reserved spot on the Vent server and access to guild repairs. (Speak to any officer for this.)
Only staff members are permitted to withdraw guild credits.


Ranks will be given at the discretion of the officers. We are always watching for helpful members worthy of promotions. Every Monday we go through the list of members in all our invading guilds, giving out rank promotions to all registered members who hit conquest goal during the last week. We also have regular discussions about who we notice going above and beyond. Give the guild a solid effort and eventually one of us will notice. See below for some examples of things we give promotions for.

Routinely hit conquest goal. (This is by far the fastest, easiest, and most dependable way to rank up in BBB.)
Recruit new members.
Help out guildies in need.
Donate credits, decos, items, etc to the bank.
Regularly participate in guild activities.
Use Ventrilo.
Impressive and innovative trolling.
Active involvement in general.

Staff positions are open to all active members who have held Veteran Gangster rank for at least 30 days. Anyone that meets this requirement can submit an application for Mafioso rank here, which will be discussed and voted on at the next staff meeting. Being a staff member in a guild this large is no easy task and only the very best fits for the job are selected. Staff have many responsibilities that may take time away from other things. (Staff salary details can be viewed here.)

BBB Guild Structure

BBB Guild Structure - Multiple Guilds, ALL BBB! by Deleted

Blood Bath & Beyond has expanded to include 8 total guilds all under the same banner! The same rules apply for ALL BBB Guilds and the same policies + procedures are in place across the board. All guild ranks are also universal -- if you earn a certain rank in one guild you're permitted to have that rank in ALL of our guilds. All 6 of the main guilds get used for conquest in rotation order: IMP 1, PUB 1, IMP 2, PUB 2, IMP 3, PUB 3. There are only 2 active ALT guilds currently, one for each faction - but we have plans to expand to further ALT guilds as necessary.

All guilds are actively recruiting at all times, and if someone is not interested in doing conquest or does not log on frequently enough to avoid our 15-day purge rule, then they should join one of our Alt guilds on either the IMP or PUB side where they can leave characters parked without fear of being purged for inactivity.

Our Guild Structure is as follows: 

Imperial Side = Slashes
Republic Side = Dots

The number of slashes/dots on the O's designate which conquest guild is which.
(For example: BBB IMP 1 is called Bløod Bath and Beyond, with a slash through only one O to show that it is BBB Impside guild #1.)

The Alt Code for Imp Side = 0248 ~ The Alt Code for Pub Side = 0246

Alt guilds will hold the 3 original names, along with some other random variations (they won't need to be identified for conquest, and names will be published after the guilds are created).

BBB Imp 1Bløod Bath and Beyond
BBB Imp 2Bløød Bath and Beyond
BBB Imp 3Bløød Bath and Beyønd

BBB Pub 1Blöod Bath and Beyond
BBB Pub 2Blööd Bath and Beyond
BBB Pub 3Blööd Bath and Beyönd

BBB Imp Alt 1Blood Bath and Beyond
BBB Pub Alt 1BIood Bath and Beyond



Custom Chat Channel by Sin

Due to the fact that we have 3 BBB's on each faction, we rely heavily on our guild's custom chat channel to communicate between the two. All members are encouraged to join this channel to stay in the loop with everyone.

You can join by typing this command: /cjoin bbb

This will add a new channel to your chat list that you can use to communicate with BBB members outside of the current guild you're in. It is also very useful for getting toons added to guild, as you can simply go in there and ask for someone to invite you. 


Voice Chat by Sin

In BBB we use Ventrilo for all voice communications. You can download it for free here

It is not mandatory but using Vent will almost always get you included more in guild activities. Even if you don't want to speak you can just come in to listen or talk in the chatbox. There's usually a decent amount of people in there and there are some highly amusing personalities. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in so don't hesitate!

Password:(No password required)

You MUST run Ventrilo as administrator in order for it to work properly.
A lot of members do not use mics and simply use the Ventrilo chat box. You can open this by clicking the "Chat" button in Vent. Also, you can turn on text-to-speech by checking "Enable TTS" in the chatbox.
Officers are designated by the stars (asterisks) in their Vent titles. Example: [***Godfather***] Sin
Members at Veteran Gangster rank are entitled to a reserved spot on the server, giving them priority access if the server reaches max capacity. They are also granted a custom Vent title of their choosing. If you're at VG rank, speak to Gigeno to set this up.


Ventrilo Rules

New Ventrilo Rules by Sin

The following is a list of new rules for our Ventrilo server. These rules are in effect, non-negotiable, and strictly enforced. Failing to comply with these rules can result in being muted, suspended, or banned from the server. (Removal from the guild is also a possibility in some cases.)

Please read all of these over and make sure you follow them.


We have many non-mic users on Ventrilo and the text chat is their only method of communication on our server. To ensure you're able to see (or hear, if you choose to use TTS) what they're saying, you should make sure the chat box is open whenever you sign into Ventrilo.

  • The text chat must be kept open. However, the Text-to-Speech option is completely optional.


There's always so many people on Ventrilo nowadays and it often leads to overly noisy channels. These rules have been created to combat that issue and will be strictly enforced.

  • Push-to-Talk option must be enabled. Open mics won't be tolerated.

  • Headphones must be used. Echo/feedback is unacceptable.

  • Background noise needs to be kept to a minimum. Nobody wants to hear your TV/music/fan/kids/etc.

  • Do NOT talk over other members. If someone starts speaking before you do, let them finish before you start speaking. 


Due to recent misuse of our channels, we're cracking down on how channels may be used by members. Staff will be vigilant about enforcing these rules so don't push your luck.

  • Channels must be used appropriately. For example: If you're not doing a commander run, you shouldn't be hanging out in the commander run channel.

  • Claiming channels as your own, avoiding other Ventrilo users, alienating people from certain channels, and any similar anti-social clique-type behavior is forbidden.

  • Causing drama or toxicity, undermining the guild, or any other problematic behavior in any of our channels is strictly prohibited. 


Guild Uniform by Sin

The guild has an official uniform for anyone who wishes to use it. It is not mandatory, it is just something some of the members like to have. The Primary uniform is for those who have achieved a minimum of Friend reputation with The Gree Enclave. The Secondary uniform is for those who have not.


BODYRed Scalene Armor
COST75,700 credits
REQUIREMENTFriend reputation with The Gree Enclave
LOCATIONTrikat'k (Gree Equipment Vendor) | Cartel Bazaar | Imperial Fleet
BOUNDBound to Legacy


BODYRD-07A Vendetta Armor
DYEDark Red and Black Dye
COST15,000 credits
LOCATIONCaptain Thanar (Adaptive Gear Vendor) | Supplies Section | Imperial Fleet
BOUNDBound to Legacy

Miscellaneous Info

Miscellaneous Info by Sin

You may be required to sign in to view some of these pages.

Guild News: All official news, announcements, notices, etc regarding the guild will be posted here.

Beginners Conquest Guide
: New to conquest? This guide will set you on the right track.

Official BBB Glossary: A list of terms and phrases you may encounter during your time in BBB.

Complaint Submission Form: Someone bitching at you? Feel free to send them here.

SWTOR Guides For Shitters: Simplified guides for storymode operations.

5.0 Gearing Guide: This is the gearing guide the majority of the guild follows.

Guild YouTube Channel: This is the guild's official YouTube channel, featuring content created by our members.

Conquest: Conquest schedule, invasions, and other general conquest info is located here.

Calendar: Displays conquest scenarios and other events. 

BBB Team Directory: All our various guild teams for ops, PvP, etc are listed here.


News by Sin

*inactive noises*

If you are interested in applying to become a member of the Staff, please see the requirements here. Being active in Vent and Guild activities (Commander runs, Conquest lockouts, etc.) is a good start to bolstering your application for Mafioso! 


  • Commander Runs - These happen frequently!  This is how the guild makes money for our events and to support everything we do for our members.  Everyone who helps with a Commander Run will be given the opportunity to /roll on a prize at every single full commander run!  It's a fun and easy guild thing that we try to do often - so be sure to watch the /bbb channel for groups forming!

  • Operations Teams -  Check the BBB TEAM DIRECTORY for openings!
    And don't forget that we also have an Open Recruitment for Operations Teams thread!  Please let us know if you are interested in forming or joining a team, and let's get our raid on!

  • Conquest Activities - There is almost always something Conquest related going on, in whichever guild needs points!  Log on, check the CQ boards and see where we need points the most (smallest lead, or regaining the lead) and jump on your toon in that guild.  Chances are we're looking to gather/do lockout runs or base raids, or group up for PvP queue flooding... we're almost always doing something to push points that you can get involved in!

  • The /BBB channel is your friend! - Our custom cross-guild chat channel is one of the most popular in the game!  People outside of our guild even use it to find things to do with others, form groups, and recruit for raids.  Be sure you type: /cjoin bbb so you don't miss out on any of the happenings going on in any and all of our guilds!

  • Forums/Website - There are always people looking to gather up a group of guildies and do things like Uprisings, Flashpoints, World Bosses, and anything/everything else you can think to do!  Register here and check back often!  If you're new to the guild, be sure to let Staff know when you're signed up so we can get you promoted and start you on your way up the ranks in the guild.  


Sanbar the Magnificent


Gigeno: Hiya Tav! Jan 25, 2022 18:23:26 GMT -8
Nutt: Hope all is well with you all <3 Mar 1, 2022 16:20:41 GMT -8
Gigeno: I am doing well. Mar 3, 2022 22:08:43 GMT -8
Gigeno: May the 4th be with everyone May 4, 2022 14:13:29 GMT -8
pemex: 8-) Nov 9, 2022 1:00:44 GMT -8
Gigeno: hiya there pemex Nov 13, 2022 14:05:53 GMT -8
pemex: sup gig you still playing? Nov 28, 2022 11:06:29 GMT -8
Gigeno: Yes I am! Everyday :) Dec 2, 2022 18:22:11 GMT -8 *
Brady: Fishtails in the parking lot skrr skrr Jan 9, 2023 13:09:06 GMT -8
tavionn: boo Jan 18, 2023 0:46:02 GMT -8
Gigeno: Hey Tav! Jan 19, 2023 7:38:55 GMT -8
Nutt: <3 Anyone playing any MMOs? Jan 24, 2023 6:48:24 GMT -8
Gigeno: Yes! :) SWTOR Jan 25, 2023 11:47:15 GMT -8
Nutt: Ahh, I've been playing basically nothing but WoW lately Jan 27, 2023 6:40:43 GMT -8
Gigeno: 7.2.1 is coming out on Tuesday with 64-bit support and Galactic Seasons 4. Mar 24, 2023 15:35:05 GMT -8
pemex: (:)) Jul 7, 2023 20:20:32 GMT -8
Mackalore: (:)) Dec 28, 2023 11:18:07 GMT -8
Gigeno: (:)) Dec 28, 2023 20:05:59 GMT -8
tavionn: (:)) Mar 9, 2024 23:17:57 GMT -8
Mackalore: (:)) Jun 4, 2024 0:29:04 GMT -8
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